Business Administration (Old Regulations)

Advertising and promotion in brand marketing

Answer THREE questions

All questions carry equal marks

No credit will be given for attempting any further questions

The total permissible word count for this paper is 2500 words
© University of London 2021
Advertising regulators have to make judgements based on a compromise between ethical issues and the maintenance of public trust in advertising, and the needs of the market for a vibrant and creative advertising industry. In the light of this need for compromise, what, in your view, are the major values and principles that advertising regulators should apply in reaching their judgements? Use examples of recent campaigns and, where possible, regulators’ decisions, in your discussion.

Digital search and social platforms have been a major disruption for the creative advertising industry. Focusing on account team organisation and the creative advertising development process, how should the creative agency system respond to this disruption?

‘Digital media have made traditional advertising redundant.’ Critically discuss this statement in the light of the current re-shaping of the global advertising market.

Ted Levitt’s well-known 1983 Harvard Business Review paper on the Globalization of Markets was quickly seen to be naïve by global brand organisations who knew that consumers around the world are by no means homogeneous. Since Levitt’s paper, we have seen very few examples of standardised global advertising campaigns, as most global brands have learned that they need to localise their international campaigns. Using examples where relevant, critically discuss the key issues and problems faced by global brands in designing their international advertising campaigns, and how they might overcome them.

In what ways is the advertising media planning role changing under media convergence? Is there still a role for human judgement in media planning for advertising? Use the POSE (Paid, Owned, Shared and Earned media) model to frame your discussion.

‘Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is no longer a relevant subject in advertising, because all advertising campaigns must be integrated in the digital era.’ Critically discuss this statement bearing in mind the goals and purpose of IMC in advertising campaign planning.

The account planning role in advertising agencies was invented in the 1960s. What was the role intended to achieve, what problems was the role intended to resolve? In your discussion consider the issue of conflict in advertising agency account teams.

What is meant by the term ‘polysemy’ in advertising? Using examples where relevant, critically discuss the uses and role of polysemic advertising for brands.


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