Critically analyse the idea of labour theory of value, its rationale and

Contrast it with subjective theories of value.

Put emphasis on the idea of value specifically and theories about it and use primary sources and readings, as much as possible.

Some suggested references:

Ricardo, D. (1821), On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,

Chapter 1. (online resource on VLE)

2. Smith, Adam (1776), The Wealth of Nations, Book 1, chapter 6,7 (online

resource on VLE)

3. Landerth, H. & Colander, D. C.,(2001),History of Economic Thought,

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Fourth ed., pp. 132-139 and 99-105

4. Dupont,B. (2017).The History of Economic Ideas: Economic Thought in

Contemporary Context. Taylor & Francis, chapter 4

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