Interview Protocol and Score-Key Rubric
For this assignment, develop an interview protocol and score-key rubric, conduct a mock interview, and access the process for improvement as well as ADA & EEO compliance. This assignment assesses learning outcomes 2 and 9, and it reinforces learning outcomes t 7, and 12.
You are the HR Coordinator for CASA Texas, and you have been asked by the HR Manager to create an interview protocol and score key to be used by multiple interviewers in assessing job candidates (volunteer CASA Child Advocates) for the position used in the previously completed Realistic Job (volunteer role) Preview. The three items the HR Manager would like assessed in the interview protocol for all applicants include the following:
organizational It [accountability[ as being accountable to others for our actions and the impact these actions have on others (Caw Texas, courts, children and their families, and self),
work group It [collaborative] as being collaborative and actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with and assist others in seeking win-in solutions, and
job fit [empathy] as being understanding of multiple perspectives and poor choices in difficult situations.
Submitting your assignment.
Your assignment should be uploaded as an MS Word document by 11:59 pm of the due date. You will need MS Word to complete this assignment
Step 1. Create an interview protocol and score key for each of the three items using the format located on page 10 of the Structured Interviews: A Practical Guide. Ensure that the interview questions conform to the following requirements (1) is an open-ended question, (2) is not a leading question, and (3) is not a negative question. Develop a score key for each question with four levels and describe the response at each level.
Step 2. Test the interview protocol and score key in a mock interview with a test subject. The test subject can be with a family member, another student, or a colleague. Record the interview (audio or video).
Step 3. After completing the mock interview, consider the answers provided by the test subject and how the interview protocol and score key could be improved.
Step 3A. Interview protocol – Did the test subject understand the question and the information you were seeking? Did the test subject need clarification to answer the question? Was the answer provided by the test subject the information you were seeking? How can the questions be improved to the desired answer?
Step 3B. Score key – Was the level of response clearly apparent in the description of the response criteria? Does the description of the criteria need to be more specific or less specific? Does the score key need another level to assess the range of potential responses accurately? Could another interviewer use the score key and obtain similar scored outcomes?
In an MS Word document, provide a copy of the interview protocol and score key from step 1, the name and your relationship to the test subject as well as a recording of the interview from step 2, a reflection of how to improve the interview protocol and score key by responding to the questions posed in step 3 A and B. Properly label each item as Step 1, 34, 3B. Submit your assignment to this link.