
Create an informative briefing that explains the normative and applied prevailing criminal justice models of ethical reasoning.

This briefing will assume the normative judgment model, which emphasizes the three moral judgment imperatives (the human act, free will, effect upon others).

The Ethics of Virtue

History of the Ethics of Virtue

Tenets of the Ethics of Virtue

Provide a criminal-justice-based, “real-world” example of the ethics of virtue.

Ethical Formalism (Deontological Ethics)

History of Ethical Formalism

Model of Ethical Formalism

Provide a criminal-justice-based, “real-world” application of deontological ethics.

Consequentialism (Teleological Ethics)

History of Consequentialism

Model of Consequentialism

Provide a criminal-justice-based, “real-world” example of utilitarianism.

Ethics of Care (Restorative Justice)

History of the Ethics of Care

Tenets of the Ethics of Care

Provide a criminal-justice-based, “real-world” example of the ethics of care.

What is “noble cause corruption,” and where does it fit within the ethical models?

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