Create a C++ program and pseudo–code to read five (5) integer numbers and provide the large integer numbers among them.
The program will require to run three (3) times; i.e., the user will enter three sequence of numbers.
– Use one (1) int variable, for input the series of integer numbers, and one for storing the larger integer number.
– You will need to use a For Loop to allow the program input the series of five (5) integer numbers and determine the larger number among them.
– You will use a second outer For Loop to allow the program input three (3) series of
– Include your class header for the program output, as in the Eclipse Tutorial.
– You will need to create a pseudo–code to document the algorithm you have created for this program.
– Document your source code as described in the lecture notes; include main comment for the program, data table, comments for the different section of the program, etc.
Turn in as a single PDF file (IN THIS ORDER)
1. Screen I/O – pasted into a txt file within eclipse, including your class header
2. Listing of main.cpp (conforming to style discussed in class)
3. Pseudo–code for documenting your algorithm