• A discussion of how learners with ALN are identified, with reference to relevant legislation and guidance
• An assessment of the specific needs of the child/ young person presented in the case study, in which you draw on relevant academic sources and other evidence to support your views and an assessment of the current strategies in place to meet the learner’s needs. Include your suggestions of how these strategies might be amended or extended in order to meet the learner’s needs better. You must present a reasoned case which is based on evidence both from the case study and from your reading for your suggestions for particular interventions and strategies which will match the learner’s needs, and enable them to be included.
• In your view, is it likely that all the learner’s needs can be met within a mainstream setting? Present the evidence, both from your reading about the inclusion debate, and from the case study itself, which leads you to these conclusions.
• Consider how the child/young person in the case study can be supported beyond the classroom and the school. What contribution could different partners/professionals make to providing this support, and how might this contribute to the child’s education. Remember to support your suggestions with reference to the literature.