Evaluation II:

Step 1: Complete the EPA’s Household Carbon Footprint Calculator. If you didn’t already do so in reviewing the M3 Interactive presentation: The Air That We Breathe.

  • Answer the questions as best you can. This will only take a few minutes.
  • Note: You are not being judged on your “green-ness” or your willingness to adopt new habits, this is purely for educational purposes.

Step 2: Save your report

  • On the final screen of the calculator, there will be a save/print button, save your results as a PDF to submit along with your reflection.

Step 3: Upload your calculator report

  • But don’t submit it yet! See next.

Step 4: Reflect on the prompt below as an assignment comment

  • Leveraging what you’ve learned in the module and through the calculator, describe how you might change your habits to reduce your negative impact on the air you breathe.


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