
“Tackling Supply Chain Challenges of Tesla Model 3” and

“Polaris Industries Inc” Case Study

You are given two case studies. : “Tackling Supply Chain Challenges of Tesla Model 3” and

“Polaris Industries Inc”. Go through the case studies and answer the questions for each.

Marking will be done as per the following criteria:

• The extent to which relevant aspects are covered or the relevant analysis is done

• The depth of critical evaluation or correctness of the analysis

• Presentation clarity and structuring of arguments

Questions related to case study: Tesla Supply Chain Challenges of Tesla Model

Q1) What were the supply chain constraints to Model 3 becoming a successful car as per the

case study? [4 marks]. [Max 300 words]

Q2) What is the S curve as discussed in the case study? Can the S curve trajectory be

improved and if so how? Explain in detail. [4 marks]. You can use external (secondary) data

sources to answer this question. [Max 300 words]

Q3) How did Tesla eliminate/reduce the supply chain constraints/risks of Model 3?

[4 marks]. You can use external (secondary) data sources to answer this question [Max 300


Q4) Consider a large car company that has a major interest/stake in electric cars. Using

external (secondary) information sources as well as the information given in the case study,

compare and contrast its operations and supply chain management strategies and practices visà-vis Tesla’s. [8 marks] [Max 800 words]

Questions related to case study: Polaris Industries Inc (All questions to be addressed based

on information available in the case study only)

Q4) Why does Polaris outsource the manufacture of most components but in-source final

assembly? [4 marks]. [Max 300 words]

Q5A) Which manufacturing location provides Polaris with the greatest cost savings?

[8 marks]. (Hint: Use net present value calculations based on next 5 years; monthly wages,

wage growth % and exchange rate to be estimated for these years based on historic data;

assume 40 hrs/week of work time and discount rate of 10% per annum). All the workings have

to be done in different sheets in an Excel Workbook which then needs to be inserted into the

Word file (that you will be submitting); you can insert an excel workbook into word by i)

selecting Insert on the ribbon at the top in Word, ii) choosing and clicking on Object, iii)

choosing Create from file option, iv) browsing and choosing file to be inserted and also

clicking on Display as Icon.

Q6) What other factors should Suresh Krishna and his team consider when making the

manufacturing location recommendation? [4 marks]. [Max 300 words]

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