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Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science. Explain the CSI effect.
Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science. Explain the CSI effect.
Is It All Good and True?
Evaluate the evolution of forensic science.
Identify examples of scientific methods that have been dis-proven.
Explain the peer review process.
Compare and contrast common perceptions to the realities of forensic science.
Explain the CSI effect.
Evaluate what impact the CSI effect has or does not have on the forensic field and the criminal justice system.
Evaluate the impact of junk science, real or perceived, on the forensic field and criminal justice.
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Prepare a research paper on salamanders and their development throughout history as well as their phylum/classification, regenerative properties, DNA make up, role in the ecosystem, and extinction in the US due to habitat loss, and the conservation effort throughout the US.
Prepare an income statement for Toys 4 U for the fiscal year ended December 31, 20xx in proper form
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