Prepare a discussion paper on the cloning and history of cloning

This is the link to post your “draft” flyer
This assignment is worth up to 50 points. Your score will come from how complete is your flyer

along with all the features students noted in the discussion about the guidelines on this project?

. Is your draft accurate, with citations in text and one graphics? Do you have a bibliography?
. Once you upload your draft: evaluate the the similarity report that is generated to this upload.
Make sure to review how much of your presentation is matching other sources.

. Did you cite these cases?
. What is the percentage matched?
. Even if you cited, you don’t want too much of your text to be “not your original writing.”
. See the handout “reading your similarity report” (found in module zero) for guidelines or open the guidelines to reading a citation report
( here.
. If you decide to edit your citations, do that now and then upload your draft again to this link to evaluate the newer similarity report.
. You have to complete your similarity report review BEFORE the due date for this assignment. So upload early.

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