Topic: Studying overseas at Turkey
Paper details:
Choose ONE of the scenarios below and write how you would respond to it if you were studying abroad at Republic of Turkey. What challenges do you anticipate having to face while there and what are your strategies for managing them?
Scenario A: You’ve arrived at the host university and are finding it difficult to meet and interact with local students. Your classmates don’t seem interested in forming study groups and all the other strategies you use to make friends in a new environment don’t seem to be working.
Scenario B: On the first day of class your professor distributes a 5-page long reading list and a 1-page outline of vague topics to be covered in class. Your final project is worth 75% of your grade and is to be on any topic related to the course. You feel you don’t have a clear sense of your professor’s expectation; your classmates, however, don’t seem too worried by what you perceive as a lack of direction from your instructor.
Writing Tips:
* Write in first person. Try avoiding generic statements. Focus instead on using specific examples.
* Make connections to the location (Turkey) and course content.
* Address motivation, goals, and preparedness to be studying in a different country.
500-550 words, no more or less