Create a playlist to promote your own personal health – either physical or mental health. To do this, you will carefully choose music that suits Read More
Think about the two long reviews you read, Anthony Lane's Road Show and Adam Hochschild's In the Heart of Darkness. What did you like or dislike Read More
Explain how the Arts provide a different way of experiencing and understanding the world that is unique from other learning areas. Describe the Read More
Description Compare and contrast two works of art done in two different eras/styles. Select one of the following pairs of eras/styles: Medieval Read More
Watch the two videos showing Kazuo Shiraga and Jackson Pollock at work on their paintings, then write a 300-word response comparing their approaches. Read More
Write a letter to either Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, or Pablo Picasso and discuss his signature work(s). Describe what you feel and think Read More
Being a dancer is more than looking graceful for a few minutes on stage. Leading up to every performance is hours of rehearsal time, injuries, Read More