Company:- Westpac Banking Corporation.
Task Requirements:
Critically analyse the business environment of the case company and provide recommendations for the management in relation to a key management challenge,usingoneof thetopicslistedin item 2.You will need to:
1.Briefly introduce the organisation and analyse its operating environment, paying attention to the internal and taskenvironments according tothe Bartol et al.model(available in QUT Readings).
2.Critically investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the company in relation to ONE of these management challenges:
Topic 1: Stakeholder Engagement
Topic 2: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility
Topic 3: Innovation
3.Draw upon both grey literature such as annual reports, reputable media articles, company documents and in particular, academic literature.
4.Provide recommendations to management which will help them address the main challenges you have identified
Other things to be noted:
1. Title Page: Include your name, student number, name of the subject& word count.
2. Page: Table of Contents
3. Introduction: Introduce the company, the company is Westpac Banking Corporation and outline the structure of your report.
3. Body (use your own sub-headings). Use subheading similar to these.
•Analyse the company’s internal and task environment;
•Explore the chosen topic (Sustainability& CSR, Innovation or Stakeholder Engagement) and how it relates to the company
•Ensure key concepts are explained in detail, drawing on theory and integrating it with the case study of the ASX 100 company you have chosen
•Critically reflect on the potential management challenges for the company related to your chosen topic
•Examine the strengths/weaknesses of the company based on your analysis
4. Recommendations: What should the company DO to address the challenges you identify?
5. Conclusion: Summary of your main points (do not add new informationin this section)