Mental Health practicum/clinicals Objectives

The student will complete a write-up that will demonstrate progress, growths, practicum gaps, how he/she met practicum objectives or if partially met or not met, and revision. The student will also discuss and include the preceptor’s evaluation.

Here are the points that should be covered in the assignment:

Part I: Briefly discuss practicum experiences that have contributed to achieving practicum objectives.

Part II: Evaluate and describe your progress toward meeting practicum objectives for this course.

Part III: Identify and discuss areas for improvement and plan to enhance practicum experiences. Students will provide preceptor with DNP Handbook Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student. Evaluation must be completed by the preceptor. Students are encouraged to discuss evaluation with preceptor. Evidence that practicum objectives and midterm assessment discussed with practicum preceptor. A signed PDF copy of Form 8: Preceptor Evaluation of PMHNP/DNP Student must be attached to Objectives Part II Assignment.

Format/Presentation: Current APA Format, Limit 6 pages, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins, correct spelling and grammar.


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