– Introduce the theoretical and ethical basis of advanced nursing practice in one paragraph.
– Conclude the introductory paragraph with a direct thesis statement that informs the reader of your purpose or primary objective of the paper.

– Briefly introduce your chosen POI which is (preventing CLABSIs) as the basis for discussion.
– Include a short summary of current evidence regarding the selected POI
– Include at least three current peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks

– Briefly describe the nursing Metaparadigm, and include a primary source citation
– Describe how each of the four components of the meta-paradigm relate to your specific POI.
– Support this discussion with at least two current peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks and cite/reference the primary source.

– Briefly describe Grand Nursing Theory.
– Select a grand nursing theory and discuss the concepts identified.
– Discuss your POI within the framework of the Grand Nursing theory.
– Support this discussion with at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite/reference the primary source.

– Select a middle range nursing theory and discuss the concept identified.
– Discuss how your middle-range theory “fits” with your grand nursing theory.
– Discuss your POI within the context provided by the middle-range theory.
– Support this discussion with at least two peer-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite/reference the primary source.

– Briefly describe distinguish between complexity science and complex adaptive systems.
– Identify a specific complex adaptive systems within your POI and discuss the principles of complexity science that impact this system and your POI.
– Support this discussion with at least 2 peep-reviewed references in addition to any textbooks, and cite/reference the primary source.

– Identify and discuss an overall ethical framework that will direct your Advanced Nursing Practice.
– Describe at least 2 ethical principles upheld in your chosen Ethical framework.
– Explain why the specific framework was chosen and its relevance to you.
– Support this discussion with at least one peer-reviewed references.

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