Using the Excelsior Library, locate at least two current, credible, peer reviewed articles to support your paper.
In addition to the 2 required articles, locate at least two current professional organization articles.
You will also need to incorporate a minimum of two course readings, including your textbook and telemedicine article.
Once you have located and reviewed your sources, please write your paper, addressing all the following bullet points.
Briefly describe the eHealth technology that you have chosen and explain why you chose it.
Identify the target population(s) for this product or service.
Explain how consumers, health professionals, and other stakeholders utilize this technology.
Describe the various types of data and information being collected to facilitate the service or use of the product. Be sure to address types of information being collected that might be only tangentially related to the direct use of the service or product.
Provide an analysis of two legal and/or ethical issues in using this service or product.
Analyze the accessibility of this technology. In your critique, describe which groups have easy access and which groups may be less able to access this technology.
Provide one recommendation for improving this technology. Your recommendation may address a legal or ethical issue, open up access to a group, better meet the health needs of a target group, increase quality or cost effectiveness, etc.