Persuasive Essay OR Opposing Viewpoints paper Topic (Environment realted for instance, Green New Deal, global Warming, Fossil Fuel COnsumption, plastic, clean drinking water, ect.) 4-5 pages plus a reference page. 12-point font. Double-spaced.
Students should go to the Ritz Library online. Click on “A-Z List of All Guides”. scroll down and click on “social Issues”. Click on “Opposing Viewpoints”. Scroll down and click on “Energy and Environmentalism” Scroll down and click on Choose a topic from within the category of energy and environmentalism
Opposing viewpoints paper- present the issue in your introduction. Body of the paper should inform the rader of the opposing sides to this issue. Discuss the different sets of values that come from the opposing sides. Conclusion.
OR a Persasive Paper: Students can use this as a guide on how to write a persuasive paper. OVIC_PersuasivePaper.pdf
Final Paper is 15% of the grade. 7. There are no late submissions.