Writing a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) based on case study EIR, starting from Unit 9 until the end of the course. This will enable students to present a BIM Execution Plan as a methodology for managing a BIM project.
Marking Criteria for journals.
*Requires Revit Software*
*review Contents required & Example BEP*
Good Website – https://bimportal.scottishfuturestrust.org.uk/level2/stage/3/task/31/post-contract-bep
Assessment of the BEP will be on:
– Structure of report (layout, spelling, grammar, professionalism of style)
– references (All UK)
– coherence and logic of information
– Completion and accuracy of documents
1. Assignment
2. Docs & Files for BEP (Revit, COBie, PDFs) – Revit files arent able to be uploaded to the drop down. – Under review
3. Examples, Checklist, Contents
4. Class Info (To aid assignment)