n the initial baseline survey, many of you professed to have grading practices that included giving extra credit, zeros for cheating or missing assignments, and docking points for late work. The authors in this module (Reeves, 2010, O’Connor, 2010, Chappuis & Stiggins, 2020) disagree with all of those as well as several other common grading practices.
Write about why you still believe in those practices, or why your thinking has changed.
Are there any of Wormeli’s (2011) 14 tips for allowing do-overs (pp. 22-26) that you agree/disagree with? Why?
Finally, Hodges (2019) and Chappuis and Stiggins (2020) make the case for portfolios being able to answer that age-old student question, “Why do we need to know this?” yet they believe that some would make them simple refrigerator art galleries. How can portfolios go beyond the simple collection of student work? What are the different types and which one would you use in a classroom?