Self Assessment
Access Appendix 3, “Summary Diagram of the Researcher Developer Framework” on p. 153 of Developing Transferable Skills, and use it as a guide to develop the top 12 skills you think are necessary for you to be successful in your working environment.
Identify 3 skills in each of the ABCD categories for a total of 12 skills.
Develop a 5-point Likert scale using Microsoft® Excel® to measure the 12 skills you have identified. Evaluate yourself against these skills (e. g., Not At All, Partly Developed, Moderately Developed, Highly Developed, Expert).
Analyze your results using a spider/radar graph and write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, including your graph, that highlights your strengths and weaknesses. Provide a specific plan of action for what you will do to improve on your shortcomings, including each skill you wish to improve on, actions you can take to improve it, and a timeline.