Understanding Results in Quantitative Research Studies

The prompt for this essay is the following:
“Once you have read how researchers analyzed quantitative data, you are ready to read the results of the study. The results are the actual products obtained from all statistical calculations that researchers made during the data analysis process. While you may not be using primary data for your final research project, it is important to recognize that researchers often report three types of results as part of their studies.

Analyze these types of results found in chapter 8 of Understanding Research and evaluate the various strategic business decisions a manager may make from the research results.

Based on the research results, create your conclusion that include your interpretation with consideration of any possible biases and make actionable recommendations for managerial decision making.

When evaluating the potential strategic business decisions based on the research results, be sure to follow these guidelines:

Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length and conform to APA 7 standards.”

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