The task is based on the fictitious Oxhotel, and relevant data about the hotel is provided in two additional documents (one Excel spreadsheet “Oxhotel 5 year spreadsheet” and one Word document “Oxhotel Reviews”) which are available in the Resit Assessment section of the MARK6007 Moodle site.
The report is divided into 4 parts.
An Executive Summary, part two is an overview of the UK tourism and/or hospitality industry, based on secondary research, while the third part requires you to analyse Oxhotel’s performance based on the datasets provided. The fourth part requires you to provide recommendations to marketing based on your overall analysis. The datasets provided give you some personal scope to decide which sections of data will underpin the direction of your analysis.
1. Executive Summary: A summary of the report including a simple statement of intent, a brief overview of the industry, highlighting the key issues from your analysis, plus a short summary of the main outcomes deriving from your findings and recommendations.
2. Based on your secondary research of the UK tourist and hospitality market over the past 5 years, identify and analyse at least three market trends and explain in detail how those three trends provide opportunities for marketers in tourism and hospitality. Given the impact of COVID-19 on the tourist and hospitality industry, please consider the impact of the pandemic into your evaluation. Your commentary should be supported through the use of relevant and good quality sources (30% of the total marks)
3. Using the data provided in the Oxhotel Excel spreadsheet and the ‘snapshot’ of qualitative reviews left on Tripadvisor and provided to you, and using appropriate analytical tools, undertake the following analysis (50% of the total marks with each subsection equally weighted):
a) Analyze the income streams of the hotel bookings. Advise the hotel on the extent to which they should or should not continue to develop relationships with third party agents.
b) Review the SEO spend for the hotel over the past 5 years, make recommendations to either increase or decrease the amount spent and provide a rationale for your answer.
c) Analyze the sentiment in the qualitative reviews left by the hotel guests and identify which are the hotel’s most liked attributes. Building on those popular review attributes outline how the hotel could build these into their marketing communications.
d) Identify suitable hashtags based on the content of the qualitative reviews that should be used by Oxhotel in any social media content to help position itself against competitors in the Oxford hotel market.
e) Create a digital consumer persona for the hotel based on the data given
4. Recommendations to marketing:
Based on your market trend analysis in Part 2 and your OxHotel data analysis in Part 3, provide three Recommendations to the OxHotel marketing team as to what other data the hotel should be collecting and explain how this data would help forecasts for future demand. Please make sure these recommendations are congruent to your identified issues and trends (10% of the total marks)
Professional presentation includes the use of visual materials such as data charts,
graphs, graphics, images and tables etc. which enhance the value of the report (5% of the total marks)
Note: Integrate visual materials to make data and insights easier to understand. Incorporate visual materials as listed above into the body of your assignment – do not use appendices for this purpose.
Depth and breadth of secondary research and use of correct Harvard referencing (5% of the total marks)