
Yvonne is a Seconday5 student. She has poor English language skill yet she still tries her best to work very hard every English lessons in order to improve her language skills. One day at the beginning of English class, the teacher distributed the listening test paper which conducted the last lesson to the students to check for their own results and explain the correct answer.
Since the seat in the classroom is divided into six lines and every five students composed of a row, the teacher distributed to the first students in each row and then the students had to pass to another classmate. Yvonne was sitting in the last row seat. When she received her paper from the students in the front, she saw her classmates were whispering, ridiculing her performance of the listening test vaguely.
Yvonne only got 20 marks in the test. While her classmates continued to whisper, Yvonne was furious, tore her test paper apart suddenly, yelled, cried and ran out of the classroom immediately. The rest of the classmates were shocked since they didn’t expect this would happen.

Analyze the possible causes with the support of relevant theories/literature related to classroom
management (~300WORDS), and identify classroom management strategies (and effective teaching strategies, where applicable) (~300WORDS) the way to improve the situation and promote a conducive learning environment. (eg the teacher could…… the students could… ) (~400words)
Noted that the chosen incidence of student classroom misbehaviours /discipline problems should
NOT be related to special educational needs.

(e.g. Gagné instructional events, information-processing models: sense-making and knowledge construction; social models: group inquiry and problem-solving; personal models:
exploration and reflection, etc.).
Strategies for integrating ICT in education and creating technology-enhanced learning environments, e.g. the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, flipped classroom and the use of various teaching and learning applications/online platforms, with
discussion of the relevant issues related to implementation across local and international settings, as well as different education sectors.

Definitions of classroom management; Students’ goals of misbehaviour (e.g., attention-seeking, power-seeking, helplessness, etc.); Characteristics of classroom context; Categories of misbehaviour;
Complexities and diversity of classroom ecology connecting to the whole-person growth of students; Influence of Chinese culture (e.g., teachers’ role in socializing student classroom behaviour and authoritarian vs. authoritative teaching styles) on classroom behaviour.

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