1-2 double spaced pages
This assignment requires you to first identify (and ideally re-watch) your top 2-3 favorite Disney movies. Using your sociological imagination, you must then critically analyze the positive and negative implicit messages portrayed in each film. In other words, think about what viewers, especially young female and male children, would indirectly learn from watching these films, both positive and negative.
For example, in Beauty and the BeastDisney movies. , the character Belle has been taken against her will by the Beast, who many experts find demonstrates the characteristics of a wife batterer. Young children may come to believe that this is what a healthy relationship looks like, or that the behaviors of the Beast are the kind that can be changed with enough love and compassion.
Your task is to critically examine and discuss the multitude of messages like this found in each film. To earn full points you must discuss the positive AND negative implicit messages you find along with their impact on both young girls and young boys.