APA paper is worth 100 pts
PowerPoint is worth 100pts
100 + 100 = 200
200/2 = grade for the project
Weight is the same as an Exam
100 + 100 + 100 = 300
300/3 = 25% of Total Grade for Course
Remember: Jay College only allows 15% Plagiarism in your APA writing
Use at least three references
Must have in-text citations
Remember the Reference page for both parts of the project and references for pictures in the PowerPoint.
Remember to check your FORMAT before submitting your APA paper. It must be in APA format! Review: 4 minute APA format-
0 points will be awarded if you turn it in after Due Date
Ideas to Choose From are below:
Analyze Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines
Discuss benign breast disorders,
and Explain Fibrocystic changes
Analyze bacterial infection
Discuss viral infections
Discuss disorders of the Anterior Pituitary Gland
Analyze structures and function of the nervous system