Assessment brief/activityAssessment
Your CEO is considering outsourcing the HR function in your organisation. You have been tasked with highlighting the value of the HR function to the business. You are required to provide written answers tothe questions below.
Question 1
Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations. Include a comparison of HR delivery indifferent sectors and organisations of different sizes.
Question 2a)
Provide three examples of organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and briefly explain how these have evolved over time.b) HR objectives can be delivered in many ways. Explain two significant methods.
Question 3
Evaluate the business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner.
Question 4
Provide a short description of at least two major theories of change management.Briefly describe an example of change in the organisation and apply one of the theories, including some evaluation of the process,outcome and impact.
Question 5
You are planning to produce an evidential report highlighting the HR function’s contribution to organisation success and development. Provide a brief summary of the criteria and organisational data that could be included and how it would be analysed.