Choose one of the three topics in Chapter 6: either a. Absolute Space and Motion b. Biological Classification or c. Modularity of Mind.
2. Write a four to six (or more) page essay on your choice of topic.
a. Absolute Space and Time What are the differences between the concepts of space held by Leibniz and Newton? Explain the consequences of their views in terms of motion. What is “space” like in the two views? Describe and explain their thought experiments to defend their positions. Make references to the issues of this course given in lecture; that is, analyze your selected theory dispute in terms of scientific inference, scientific explanation, realism and antirealism, rationality of theory choice, and/or possible bias from external values.
b. Biological Classification Describe and explain the Linnean system, the BSC, and phylogenetic systematics classification systems. What are the arguments for each? Compare and contrast the views of Aristotle, Darwin, and Mayr with regard to these systems. Make references to the issues of this course given in lecture; that is, analyze your selected theory dispute in terms of scientific inference, scientific explanation, realism and antirealism, rationality of theory choice, and/or possible bias from external values.
c. Modularity of Mind Explain the origins and arguments for the modularity of human cognitive abilities and compare to the general-purpose problem solver model. What is the theory of Jerry Fodor and how does it differ from Noam Chomsky’s views and the “massive modularity” thesis. Make references to the issues of this course given in lecture; that is, analyze your selected theory dispute in terms of scientific inference, scientific explanation, realism and antirealism, rationality of theory choice, and/or possible bias from external values.

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