Lesson Plan
Introduction – Health and Physical Education Propositions (250 words)
Read on two propositions from this website https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/health-and-physical-education/key-ideas/ : 1) Focus on educative purposes; 2) value movement. In this introduction, :
A short description/meaning of the two propositions
Discuss how can the two propositions embed in the lesson plan below
Lesson Plan (no word count limited)
I had pretty much drafted out the whole lesson plan, you just have to follow the flow and made changes. Do note that this lesson plan is about learning hockey at home (through zoom) and improve fundamental movement skills for Grade 3 and 4 students. In this lesson plan, I would need:
Complete/add additional information under the tab ‘What students will learn (what)’.
Instead of using the term success criteria, change the wording/sentence structure to ‘the student will learn to…’.
Except the introduction to sequence, other sequence phases are not completed and need more points in ‘what students will learn’.
Complete/add additional information under the tab ‘description of learning activities (how)’.
I haven’t fully completed the description of lesson for Activity 1, 2 and 3 yet – I will need to add fundamental movement skills into these activities, as my rubric (not shown here) need me to include fundamental movement skills while teaching hockey (teaching hockey is 40% but fundamental movement skills is 60%).
A good lesson plan with teaching hockey plus fundamental movement skills would be the activity 4. Please alter activity 1, 2 and 3 for the lesson plan to have students to do fundamental movement skills.
All 4 activities need types of questions to ask and what the teacher can access (both shown in activity 1).
In short, all lesson plan needs 1) lesson description with teaching hockey and fundamental movement skills (introduction to sequence do not need fundamental movement skills), 2) types of questions to ask, 3) what the teacher can access (except introduction to sequence) .
Complete ‘planning consideration including how you are catering for inclusion (model)’
In this tab, I am using the TREE model. Read here to understand https://www.sportaus.gov.au/sports_ability/using_tree
Under teaching style, rules, equipment, and environment, determine what consideration we can plan for students with disabilities/slow internet connection/and others….