Complete this assignment in your Professional Development Journal [DOCX] and submit the entire template.
The Professional Development Framework is a resource you will use to reflect on key areas of professional development as you progress through the MBA Program. The framework contains four key domains of development:
Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking.
Advocate for Change.
Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity.
Applied Research Competencies.
As the course ends, provide your reflective thoughts regarding the Advocate for Change domain.
If you have not completed the Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking domain of your Professional Development Framework, please address that part of your framework as well. If you would like to review the framework, refer to the following:
Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking
As you begin your MBA journey, reflect on your existing strengths as well as areas of potential growth to build the competencies needed to be a successful DBA scholar-practitioner. The knowledge and scholarly thinking domain is a set of intellectual competencies that are designed to put you on the pathway to move from a consumer of learning for academic purposes to a critical, scholarly, strategic thinker who puts knowledge and scholarly thinking into professional practice. Company leaders expect MBA degree holders to be able to make time-sensitive, critical decisions using creative and critical thinking.
Advocate for Change
An advocate for change is a person who increases the rate of reaction or change. As you develop a personal teaching philosophy regarding teaching beliefs and practices, reflect on how you might engage in professional development to be an advocate for change, possessing the knowledge and skills to work with others, impart your professional knowledge to others, and have an impact on the field. Employers expect MBA degree holders to be able to develop and transfer knowledge to others.
Applied Research Competencies
What do you wish you could change in the field of business? This is where you start learning how to identify a specific, actionable problem that you want to solve in your professional practice. You’ll learn how to take that problem and write a specific problem statement about it. That’s not just a formality, because your problem statement will help guide your next step: exploring the research literature.
Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity
The personal effectiveness and professional identity domain is defined as a set of competencies that when mastered results in having a more durable professional identity. Employers seek out MBA degree holders because of their ability to work collaboratively with others, communicate with a variety of different personalities, and maintain a high level of professionalism. As you improve your personal effectiveness and develop your professional identity, reflect on your aspirations to be decisive, results-oriented, autonomous, self-motivated, resilient, multiskilled, resourceful, resolute, determined, and engaged in new opportunities.
The purpose of your professional development framework is to help you improve your knowledge, skills, and competencies to develop your academic and professional identity as a MBA scholar-practitioner. The framework contains four key domains of development: (a) knowledge and scholarly thinking, (b) advocate for change, (c) personal effectiveness and professional identity, and (d) applied research competencies.
The framework provides prompts and questions to help you envision developmental activities that you otherwise might not have considered. As you begin the work within the framework, start with self-reflection on your existing skills and competencies, and then focus on key areas in need of further development. You may wish to review the references at the end to deepen your understanding and allow for a more evolved framework.
In a 1–2-page Professional Development Journal entry, continue developing your Professional Development Framework, addressing the following:
Describe your potential for growth in the Advocate for Change domain.
Identify two or three subdomains would you like to develop further.
You may include subdomains not listed in the Professional Development Framework Guide.
List some specific goals for these subdomains.
Describe your plan for achieving these goals.
Identify strategies will you use to stay motivated to achieve your goals.
Explain how you will fulfill employer demands of DBA scholars regarding initiating, sponsoring, and implementing change to improve the transfer of knowledge to others.
Indicate whether your framework plan has been featured in any of your discussions with your informal contact network. If so, how? If not, why?
Identify the knowledge and scholarly thinking goals you have acted upon. Describe the impact you have experienced.
Briefly describe your subdomains and goals in the Advocate for Change text box of the framework chart you started in your first course.
When you have completed your reflection:
Save the template to your ePortfolio.
Refer to the Capella Microsoft OneDrive ePortfolio Job Aid [PDF] as needed.
Submit the template in this assignment.