American Dream or Nightmare: Capitalism, Immigration, Precarity, and The Struggle for a Better Life

Read the full paper’s instruction/ prompt attached document below. [Film 1] The Dream is Now, Joaquin:

[Film 2] The Dream is Now, Joaquin

[Film 3] A Better Life, Carlos

Search Google to read a summary of this films!


[Question 1] Having seen Voces Inocentes and A Better Life, what are your feelings, thoughts, and emotions? What scenes from each film had the greatest emotional impact on you? Did these films bring you to tears? (20 points)

[Question 2] Why do you suppose these films—and The Dream is Now—were made? Why do all three films emphasize stories over facts and historical analysis? What are the pros and cons of focusing on stories when discussing immigration reform? (40 points)

[Question 3] Finally, talk about immigrants and their struggles for a better life. Why do so many find their lives bare rather than better? What does bare life look like in these films? Why is life becoming more bare, more precarious, more nightmarish for so many people? How can we change that? Will immigrants ever achieve their dreams? Will you? (40 points)


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