Before attempting this written assignment, you must first read several things, found just above this Reflection in Module Two. Here they are listed:

Neoclassic Enlightenment highlights
Characteristics of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
The merging of Neoclassic and Romantic in the American Revolution
And especially, the attached file in the separate item just above this reflection assignment, Letters among American leaders

Also, you may want to review the item on the course motif and also the sample of a Reflection Writing Assignment. Those two things are repeated at the start of this module, for convenience.

Then create a file and write about 300 words, not more than 400 words, discussing one of the two options below–not both.

Option One for your reflection: Write a few sentences about each set of letters; your goal is to say enough about each to show that you understand the main focus of each set of letters (or single letter; the last one, from Jefferson to Adams in 1813, has no letter of reply). Use your own words, please, except for key phrases which you may repeat as you found them (example: natural aristocracy, artificial aristocracy, code of law, Bill of Rights, etc). You may not copy and paste, unless you intend to include that as a direct quote. (You do not need to include direct quotes. But if you do, do so sparingly, and comment to explain the quote; do not use formal citation). Identify each set of letters or letter you are writing about, in turn.

Option Two for your reflection: Pick out what you believe to be the key issues (example: the need for a Bill of Rights) and write a few sentences explaining the position or positions taken on each issue. You will need to identify which letters you are referring to in regards to each issue.

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