Discussion Questions

  1. How political is the decision to place a group on the FTO list?
  2. What factors would you use to place groups on the FTO list?
  3. Should all politically violent groups be placed on the FTO list?”

Discussion Questions

  1. Was the response during the attack adequately managed?
  2. What, in your opinion, were the causes of the subsequent political crisis?
  3. Are protocols for the protection of U.S. diplomatic missions adequately adaptive to fluid security environments?”

Discussion Questions


  1. What role do you think this incident had in precipitating the PLO’s cycles of violence?
  2. What, in your opinion, would have been the outcome if the Jordanian government had not responded militarily to the Palestinian presence in Jordan?
  3. How should the world community have responded to Black September?”

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think about the scope of presidential and gubernatorial authority in ordering potentially wide-ranging administrative decisions?
  2. What, in your opinion, should be the role of legislative bodies in formulating policies affecting the homeland security enterprise?
  3. How should the three branches of government collaborate in assuring an efficient and effective homeland security enterprise?”

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