NAFTA Research Paper

Case Analysis

Read the sections of the text that begins on page 315 through page 319 titled: Canada-US Relations, Mexican Economic Reforms, The North American Free Trade Agreement, Two NAFTA-Specific Issues

Then conduct research in the LIRN about the history of U.S. Free Trade Agreements and also the TPP and TTIP. Additionally, conduct research in the current news about the changes that have taken place under the current political Administration

After you have completed the research, write a 4-5 page paper (not including the Cover page and the Reference page) in APA format.

Respond to the following prompts.

Summarize the history of trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico (include the time before NAFTA and after).

Explain the implications of the NAFTA agreement today given the changes in the political environment.

Describe how the NAFTA agreement differs from the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership. How might that impact U.S. relations with those countries?

What changes have taken place in trade policies and agreements in the current political environment? How might that impact U.S. relations globally.


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