Unit 3: The British Isles and Northern Europe
Reflect on the cultural values and universal lessons found in the myths selected for this unit. Choose one of the options below and write a short essay.
Do either Option A or Option B. Do not do both.
Option A: Short Essay Topics
Choose one of the topics below to write a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) exploring one or more of the myths from Unit 3. Be sure to begin the essay with cultural background and include at least two significant direct quotes from the reading.
Topic 1
Explain how the climate and geography of the British Isles and/or Northern Europe inform the mythic narratives and cultural values. Identify the origins of at least one myth from Unit 3 by telling where and when it comes from. Describe the culture by explaining how the people lived and what they value. The Celtic myth “The Ages of the World” and the Norse myth “The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe” are good topics for this option.
Then, discuss two or three examples of how geography and climate affect people’s values in modern life in the United States.
Topic 2
Tricksters are characters who break rule and ignore social norms. Although often destructive, they can also be helpful when it suits their goals or sense of fun. In Nordic myths, Loki often appears as trickster. Select one or more myths from Unit 3 that feature Loki. Identify the origins of the myth by telling where and when it comes from. Describe the culture by explaining how the people lived and what they valued. “The Theft of Thor’s Hammer,” “The Death of Balder,” and “The Theft of Idun’s Apples” are all good choices.
Then briefly summarize the myth(s). Identify Loki’s trickster behavior and the consequences of his actions. Finally, relate him to either someone you know personally or to someone you can think of in a modern context (film, fiction, politics, etc.). Provide specific examples of their trickster behavior.
Topic 3
The two epics in Unit 3, Beowulf and Sigurd the Volsung, give us a long, detailed look at the behaviors and motivations of cultural heroes. Describe the origins of one of these epics and the culture that produced it.
As you summarize the tale of Beowulf or Sigurd, identify at least five ways in which the main character fits the formal definition of classical hero. Evaluate his successes and failures. Conclude if his journey would be considered an admirable achievement by the standards of today. To address this essay topic well, review The Classical Hero notes and “What Makes a Hero?
Option B: Selected Quotes
Instead of writing an essay about a single myth and selecting quotes from the reading, you will write about two (2) of the quotes below.
For each, identify the origins of the myth, including the location and culture of the people who believed it. Briefly summarize the myth from which the quotation has been taken.
Then introduce the quotation by describing the scene and identifying the speaker(s) if dialogue is quoted. Tell what led up to this moment and explain why it is important. Be sure to include parenthetical documentation; you may use the citations that are provided.
Finally, address the questions thoughtfully and in complete sentences.
Remember, you need to choose two of the following: