SCIENCE RESEARCH PROJECT – How does initial temperature affect the time taken for water to freeze
Complete the Planning Sheet (attached as word doc “Planning Sheet”)
Complete the Logbook (attached as word doc “LOG BOOK Template”)
Prepare a SCIENTIFIC REPORT as per the checklist provided. Report must include tables and graphs showing the investigation results. Data must be analyzed, with calculated averages and Standard Deviation values. Graphs should include units, labels, headings, correct axes, correct axes, scale, key, Line of Best Fit (LOBF)
Detailed project description with requirements and CHECKLIST are given in word document titled “Y10 Depth Study Student Research Project Booklet”.
Suggest a hypothesis for the identified problem based on research findings.
Identify the independent, dependent and constant variables.
State the aim of your experiment and list the equipment you need.
Design and complete an experiment(s) to investigate your hypothesis.
You may collect experimental results using a range of different technologies e.g. a video camera, a pH meter, a stopwatch, a thermometer etc. If you are uncertain about how to measure something, ask your teacher.
Evaluate your experimental procedure and change it if necessary.
Analyze the data to develop an evidence based conclusion.
Indicate any problems you experienced, improvements that could be made, failures and probable causes for these failures.
You must provide Valid and Reliable reference sources for the information used in the task, presented in a Bibliography (at least 5 different sources) using APA or Harvard styles. At least one reference must be cited in the report text.
YEAR 10 Depth Study SRP – LOG BOOK
Date: ________________
Start Time: Finish Time: Time spent:
Collecting data
Analysing results
Writing report
Editing report
Insert photo of activity below as evidence:
Year 10 Depth Study SRP – Planning Sheet 2022
Name: _____________________________
This plan is worth 10 marks which counts towards your final project mark.
1 mark
Independent Variable:
How will it be measured?
1 mark
Dependent Variable:
How will it be measured?
1 mark
Identify at least FOUR controlled variables:
1 mark
Identify relevant scientific concepts for your topic
2 marks
What is your hypothesis? (Your hypothesis should link the dependent and independent variables, showing their relationship):
2 marks
Write a citation for ONE valid and reliable secondary source used in your background research.
1 mark
Parent Signature:
1 mark
Teacher Feedback: