Leadership for Diverse Learners/ Cultural Proficiency
Week 5 Assignment 2 – Culminating Project (94 Points)
This assignment is intended to be an implementable plan for educational equity in your school, district, or organization. The project can take the form of an equity audit or a strategic plan for diversity, equity, access, and excellence.
Consider the approaches to equity, diversity, and cultural proficiency presented during the course to complete your project.
The culminating project will consist of two parts – a scholarly four to six-page paper and a PowerPoint presentation developed to present the plan.
During this week’s activities, you will:
Attend or view the recording of the weekly web conference.
View the Week 5 Videos.
Complete the Week 5 Readings.
Submit the Diversity Knowledge Post Survey
Submit the culminating project
Submit the final course reflection.
Application of the Cultural Proficiency Framework.
Description of organizational target (school, district, leadership, staff) and demographic data for all stakeholders – administration/faculty/staff, families, community, etc.
Clearly identified a systemic inequity or bias area and rationale for your area of focus. Areas of possible review include the three key equity issues – teacher quality equity (teacher certification, teacher education, teacher experience, teacher mobility), programmatic equity (special education, gifted and talented, bilingual education, student discipline), and achievement equity (state testing results, dropout rates, graduation tracks, SAT/ACT/AP/IB performance).
Analysis and Development of Plan – Include the following:
Analysis of why the inequity might be occurring.
Identification of additional data that need to be collected and assessed.
Specific action items and implementation steps
Key stakeholders
Responsible parties for action
Desired equitable outcomes and measurement of outcomes – include immediate-term solutions and long-term solutions
Possible challenges and opportunities
Description of how and when you plan to access the efficacy of the plan.
Description of how your own identities (race, gender, professional role, etc.) may impact your plan.