Should Families Pay for Long Term Care?

Written Portion: 4-5 pages The written portion of the assignment should be an independent essay addressing debate. Each student will write their own, separate essay on the debate topic even though the debate is going to be a group activity.

The debate paper should include three major sections:

  1. a) Social and cultural background of the debate;
  2. b) Both sides of the argument (e.g., on the debate about euthanasia, you need to present the argument for and against euthanasia) with references and citations; and
  3. c) Your stand on the argument, presenting sociological reasoning why you think so.

Your supporting evidence should be sociological, rather than purely ethical or religious.

Religious or ethical statements can only be used as one of the views rather than the solo “self-evident” truth.

Your “evidence” or “supporting arguments” should be from the textbooks or other scholarly literature you read or cite. d) A reference page that includes at least 3 external plus course material citations.

Different from the in-class debate, which may appear like a political debate, this written paper should be an intellectual work in which you adequately address important issues from either and both sides of the debate.

This paper is due before the class on the day of your group, spoken debate. One Moody, Harry R. & J. R. Sasser. (2021). Aging: Concepchots and Controversies. 10th edition. Sage

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