Topic: RUA Health History

Health History Assessment

This section should be one to two paragraphs in length. In the first paragraph, include your patient’s demographic data, perception of health (see page 54 in the textbook), past medical history (including medications, allergies, and vaccinations and immunizations), and family medical history.

In the second paragraph, include your patients review of systems. Review of systems is the presence of or absence of the specific disorders that you ask about for each body system.


Write one to two paragraphs in length in this section. Include your patient’s developmental considerations (Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development), cultural considerations (cultural traditions, cultural viewpoints on healing/healers, traditional and complementary medicine), psychosocial considerations (support systems-family, religious, occupational, community), and resources to improve health (such as community, nutritional recommendations, healthcare, spiritual, etc.).


This section should be one to two paragraphs in length. Make sure to address each of the seven sections from the NR302 Health Assessment I RUA: Health History Guidelines and rubric for your reflection. Make sure to proofread your work and utilize spell check. Grammarly is available to you via the course shell.

Review the NR302 Health Assessment I RUA: Health History Guidelines and rubric in-depth. Make sure that you use 7th edition APA formatting.


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