Subject: Nursing
Have you ever watched a commercial that touts “four out of five doctors recommend a particular product”? Have you ever wondered how the company is able to make such claims?
These types of claims are created using the research method of sampling. Sampling, “involves selecting a group of people, events, behaviors, or other elements with which to conduct a study” (Gray & Grove, 2020).
Photo Credit: natali_mis / Adobe Stock
For this Discussion, reflect on the population in your area of practice. Consider the most appropriate use for this population and potential challenges that may affect sampling in this population.
Then, think about how you might address these challenges and what strategies you might implement. How might a different population yield similar or conflicting results?
Reference: Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2020). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier