Increase self-awareness of the impact of your family of origin on your work with families and to give you experience in using tools from various models to assess and intervene in family dynamics.
This project involves doing your family genogram and an eco-map. You will construct a three-generation genogram of your own nuclear family including your grandparents, parents, siblings, their spouses if applicable and children if applicable and your children if applicable.
Your genogram will include a transactional map with a key that diagrams your family’s relational patterns (i.e. patterns of attachment, cut-offs and conflicted relationships, triangles, sub-systems, alliances, etc). In addition to structurally mapping out the genogram, you will write a brief (300 word) synopsis describing what transactional and generational patterns, behaviors, beliefs and norms you became aware of when analyzing your genogram.
How might these family patterns, behaviors, beliefs, norms impact your practice with families today and in the future? If you were to intervene in one family transaction identified in your genogram, what would that be? What specific intervention strategy (from course material) might you “prescribe” to modify this dynamic? Provide your rationale for choosing this intervention strategy.
This is a three part assignment worth 100 points of your grade. You will submit a genogram, and eco map, and a 300 word synopsis. Any missing or incomplete parts will negatively impact your grade for this assignment.
This is a great website for eco maps: