Subject: English
Topic: 1.02 Application (Personal Reflection—Writing)
How to Complete Think: Throughout your time as a student you have had many experiences. Some experiences lead us to believe that the time we are living in is “the best of times,” whereas for others, it may feel like “the worst of times.”
Do: Develop a brainstorm or a T-chart that allows you to explore whether or not you feel this is the “best of times” or “the worst of times.” If you are someone who prefers to list these ideas, that is fine, but a T-chart may be useful here. You could label one side “the best of times” and the other side “the worst of times.”
Create: Based on your brainstorm/t-chart develop a short essay that explains your side. Is this your “best of times” or your “worst of times”?
Write a minimum of 4 paragraphs with an introduction and at least two body paragraphs explaining your thoughts/reflection. One paragraph should address why someone may have the opposite view of yours. Include a conclusion paragraph that addresses the status quo as part of its first sentence or final sentence.