Inquiry and Usable Knowledge

Using the readings attached develop a framework that describes usable knowledge and inquiry.
1) Construct a visual model of usable knowledge and inquiry
2) Define both concepts – usable knowledge and inquiry
3) Describe a mindset (disposition) that is conducive to leading with usable knowledge

Notes about Usable Knowledge from class today: ‘
Usable knowledge is : action oriented, it’s doing something, it’s contextual, it’s deep, it’s fluid, it’s ongoing.

Useable knowledge is a deeper understanding of something an does not stay static and is also generated through inquiry. Inquiry are the hard questions asked after refection on data and revising if needed.

Prepare a visual model drawn that explains the definitions of usable knowledge and inquiry and then need the definitions written out. Then Prepare a description of a mindset that is conducive to leading with usable knowledge.

Use 2 pages because 1 for the drawing and 1 for the answering questions 2 and 3. This does not have to be in a particular paper format.

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