Final Project: Paper and Presentation
The Final Project will include a 4-5 page paper on an ecojustice subject of your choice. The paper for the final project will be worth 100 pts. For this paper, you will research and get involved with an ecojustice issue.
You may choose a topic we are covering in class, but you will need to use three research sources other than class materials. You will discuss your paper in an online forum in week 5. Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
a) 4-5 pages of content (excluding cove pager and bibliography) .
b) Properly formatted bibliography in MLA style (no exceptions) .
c) Use of at least 3 academic books or journal articles in addition to class
d) Proper evidence and conversational knowledge of sources
demonstrated in your paper.
e) Clear argument
f) Well-reasoned paper that supports your argument and addresses 1) issue,
2) action, and 3) warrants

) Proper writing mechanics (spelling, punctuation, syntax, full sentences, noun and verb agreement, use of plural forms, use of verb
tenses, etc.).
h) Proper citation of sources throughout the paper.
i) Flow and clarity of text

samples of subject:

Selections from This Sacred Earth:
 “Seeking Eco-Justice in the South African Context,” by Ernst Conradie, et al.
 “On Sustainability,” by B.D. Sharma
 Globalization and the Perennial Question of Justice,” by Mary John Mananzan
 Sacred Rivers, Sacred Dams: Competing Social Visions of Social Justice and Sustainable Development along the Narmada,” by William F. Fisher
 “The Cochobamba Declaration of Water: Globalization,

What is Eco-kosher?” by Arthur Waskow
 “An Islamic Response to the Manifest Ecological Crises: Issues
of Justice,” Nawal H. Ammar
 “To Save all Beings: Buddhist Environmental Activism,” by
Stephanie Kaza
 “Statements by United Church of Christ on Environmental
Racism in St. Louis,” by United Church of Chris

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