EWB Design

Writing an Engineers without Borders Report
Title Page:
Heading: Name of Project
Sub Heading: EWB Challenge 2018

Name of all Team Members
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables

Background on a community that is RELEVANT to your problem statement/design opportunity
Give research on your design area. What is the motivation behind your project?? Why are you doing what you are doing? What need does the community have?

What did you learn about the community in regards to that need?
Written in paragraphs and can have sub-headings if desired.
Problem Definition
Define the problem you are trying to solve in less than 5 sentences. Use the how might we statement (problem statement) to write a paragraph that succinctly defines the problem/design opportunity you are addressing
Design Development
Design Considerations
List of adequate design considerations for your project with a description and metrics (if applicable). Put the considerations in respect to your project.

Design Options
Each concept should follow the structure of Overview, Benefits & Limitations (Bulleted list)
Design Selection
Design Matrix with ANALYSIS
Report on which design is your final design and why!

Professional Skills ENGR1401_2022_S2
Group C
EWB Challenge 2022
·         Team Members:

You could go ‘1.2 Flexible Meeting Space for Visitors’ and bring out cultural artists and elders to help design a building or area that promotes the cultural identity of the area. You could also bring in ideas from some of the past exec summaries

1.1 Flexible accommodation space

2.4 educational tools such a tablets with Yirrgay dialect applications installed in them to share language and Pronunciation

1.5 Modular framework design for multi-purpose hu

Another idea is 4.1 ‘Nursery for cultivating bush tucker and native plants.’ I have worked with bush tucker before and these fruit and plants grow in real dry and desolate areas and by promoting bush tucker will also promote culture as well
Links to 6.1 Rainwater harvesting to support bush tucker gardening
Links to 4.2 Bush tucker at home garden kits could bring the cultural ideas of bush tucker to tourists

5.1 ‘Tank for rehabilitating injured Dugong.’ Could design a large tank fit for a few of them and could grow sea grass on the floor as to simulate their natural habitat


Research Points

Needs of communities in regards to food
Location, accessibility, transport infastructure
Weather, landscape, existing infastructure
Agriculture, history of agriculture in community
Building design, building materials, material gathering
Water Resources, rainwater harvesting, storage
Education and participation of community
Native flora and fauna,

Research – Plants of bushtucker and native plants around

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