Jazz Concert Essay

Write essay exactly as written below. Write an essay about watching an online concert.

Attend and listen/observe a live (or virtual) JAZZ concert (virtual options provided below). Write a 1-page essay (double-spaced, 12-pt. font) and submit as a word .doc, Google Doc, or PDF through Canvas by the due date.
* The written portion should be your personal reaction to the concert and the music. Things to include might be:
* description of style(s) performed
* instrument(s) and/or names (if possible) of the musicians performing
* atmosphere/setting of the performance, venue, audience
* your personal reaction to the performance (not necessarily a simple “like” or “dislike” but some depth and description of the performance.
* In Lieu of attending a live jazz concert (DISTANCE LEARNING or FULLY ONLINE COURSE), students have the option to ‘attend’ ONE OF the concerts listed below;
* describe all segments & musical selections of the video you choose.


Jazz Futures – Newport Jazz Festival (JVC Jazz Festival)


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