Homelessness and supportive housing
Be sure and post what the Problem is that you’re going to write about in your Introduction, and what the Solution is that you’re going to put in your argument and that you’re going to be writing about throughout the rest of your essay. Remember that after your Introduction, the entire rest of your essay is going to focus only on your Solution. What is one clear, specific thing that Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, or California can do to solve your specific problem?
Make sure you pick only one clear, specific Problem, and make sure you pick only one clear, specific Solution.
Remember that you are going to have to find research to back up your Solution, so you might want to start looking for research right away. Also remember that you’re going to need to find 4-5 specific reasons why your Solution is the best way to solve the problem–4-5 benefits that come from your Solution.
Also remember that your Solution can’t be about raising money or passing a new law. There is no research out there for either of those two solutions.