Some things to ponder before you even begin writing this essay: Do you think that the educational system as it is presently functioning in the United States serves students well? Or do you think that it might be more responsive to their needs, if is revamped to incorporate a mix of educational modalities that predominated in colonial America?

Questions you should respond to are written in italics.

Apprenticeship programs

Many young people in Colonial America took part in apprenticeships; they learned a trade as they worked alongside experienced crafts persons. (Note: Nobody is indicting that these apprentices were necessarily treated well. Some might have been abused on many levels.)

Might updated apprenticeships be more responsive to the needs of students than are the educational programs now operational in America’s cities? Might they send students on their way to a career while they are still in high school? Might apprenticeship programs sponsored by unions grant participants a chance to earn while they learn?

In answering these questions do some research on apprenticeship programs which are currently being made available to students and on apprenticeship programs as they existed during Colonial times. Use both the text and outside resources as you collect pertinent information.

Home Schooling

Families in colonial America were largely responsible for educating children (text 21). During more modern times, home schooling became an increasingly more popular option when schools were shuttered during the pandemic and online learning proved less than optimum.

Advocates for this educational modality maintain that it has multiple advantages. It provides students with a curriculum that is tailored to their particular needs and also frees them up to spend time on projects or work opportunities that might benefit them more than would sitting in a classroom. And it, likewise, allows students to avoid the bullying and social pressures than can make their school days unpleasant. Do you think that it can live up to the promises proponents make for it?

In answering these questions do some research on the apprenticeship programs and the home schooling efforts which are being offered to today’s students and on these educational modalities as they existed during Colonial times. Use the text, outside resources, your personal observations plus dialogues with others as you collect this essential information.

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