Rhetorical Analysis

Write a rhetorical analysis on a text of your choosing.

Though you likely won’t write a rhetorical analysis outside of this course, rhetorical thinking is transferable across all writing and communication situations. Hopefully, you can already see how thinking rhetorically about these situations can prepare you to be a more effective communicator, whether you’re writing your own texts or reading others’ texts, both in and out of school.

Purpose and Audience. Evaluate how the author meets their purpose with their intended audiences using the evidence compiled in your answers to the Rhetorical Analysis Questions.

Your intended audience for this essay is your instructor, who will expect that you write a formal academic essay with a argumentative statement, clear analytical claims, and textual evidence that supports those claims. Your instructor will expect that you write multiple drafts of your essay and that you edit it to the best of your ability.

You will be evaluated on the same things you are evaluating in your chosen essay

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