Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on your core values, personal mission statement. Use the process in in Table 11. (https://andyandrews.com/personal-mission-statement/) to identify your core values. What are your core values? Using the information in The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your Own Mission Statement
–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVsXO9brK7M&feature=emb_title and the TedTalk: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes draft a personal mission statement. Draft an entrepreneurial mission statement for a future organization.

A Reflection Paper is a two-page reflection on the material covered (readings, videos, etc.) in the Module including a section of at least half a page that discusses how this issue applies to work, education, or other parts of your life. Use this reflection to create and reflect on a mission statement for a future organization.

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