Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed or scholarly article you locate in the CSU Online Library. The article should discuss the strategic planning efforts that have been undertaken by either a public sector organization or a nonprofit organization and must include financial considerations and aspects of the undertaking.

Address the questions listed below.
⦁ What are the main points of the authors, and how did the organization decide to adopt a strategic planning process?
⦁ Could the organization’s goals have been facilitated in the absence of strategic planning? Regardless of your response, in what circumstances can strategic planning be eliminated as a process in contention for implementation?
What are some of the organizational and plan standards that appear to have been maintained in order to accurately measure and assess plan success?
⦁ What is your assessment of the financial commitments that the organization made to the strategic planning initiative, and do you think that they are representative of more widespread public or third sector strategic planning efforts?
⦁ What does the article suggest about the viability of strategic planning in the public or nonprofit sector?

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
2. Justify the impact of eliminating strategic planning within public and nonprofit agencies regarding service delivery capabilities.

2.1 Discuss instances and situations where strategic planning should be avoided by public and third sector organizations.

2.2 Explain considerations that should be kept and standards that should be met in order to maximize the possibility of strategic planning success.

6. Evaluate how strategic planning relates to the core functions of public sector organizations.

6.1 Analyze the viability of public and third sector strategic planning

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